11 de setembro de 2017

Informe CENACID – Setembro 2017 – nº 131

O CENACID neste momento é o unico centro com capacidade ambiental na listagem da ONU para o Mexico. Existem 3 equipes UNDAC atuando no Caribe em resposta ao furacão IRMA;
Abaixo último informe de situação da ONU sobre o terremoto no MEXICO (10set). Permanecemos em “Atenção”.
The Mexican National Committee for Emergencies has shared the following information:
The Government officially reports 58 people killed by the earthquake (45 in Oaxaca, 10 in Chiapas and 3 in Tabasco). More than 50 million people in Mexico felt the 8.4M earthquake, which ocurred on the southern coast of the Pacific. More than 65 aftershocks have been recorded from midnight until now. This has been the largest earthquake in the country over the past 100 years.

Our focal points report no significant damage to infrastructure, highlighting that the nuclear facility of Laguna Verde in Veracruz has not suffered any damage.

No request for international assistance has been issued.

The Mexican President advised population to be ready to stand strong aftershocks in the incoming hours/days. Three days of national mourning have been announced to commemorate the victims.

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Universidade Federal do Paraná
Centro de Apoio Científico em Desastres - CENACID
Rua Cel. Francisco H. dos Santos, 210 - Jardim das Américas
Ed. João José Bigarella, 1º andar
Telefone: (41) 3361-3677
CEP: 81530-000 - Curitiba (PR), Brasil

CENACID no Facebook

Centro de Apoio Científico em Desastres - CENACID
Rua Cel. Francisco H. dos Santos, 210 - Jardim das Américas
Ed. João José Bigarella, 1º andar
Telefone: (41) 3361-3677
CEP: 81530-000 - Curitiba (PR), Brasil

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